Sep 26, 2019
On this episode of BOI MEETS WELLNESS, Evolve Benton sits down with tax accountant Amber Wormsley. Evolve shares their weekly wellness tip and explores the power of living your life vision. Amber Wormsley is an investor, entrepreneur, and all-around financial connoisseur. Her work-related experience as a corporate accountant has allowed her to interact with other financial professionals such as CPAs, CFOs, auditors, board members, analysts, and other decision makers to enable her to share these financial strategies with everyday people.
Her skillset includes: tax strategy, cash flow management, financial strategies, and credit building. She holds a B.S in Accounting from Florida A&M University’s School of Business and Industry with a decade of combined formal and work-related experience.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Find out more about Amber
Wormsley’s company Impeccable Wealth